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    Beaver Brothers Explorer Canoes

Description And Comments

Paddle-powered ride (you do the paddling) around Tom Sawyer Island. Runs the same route with the same sights as the Mark Twain Riverboat. The sights are fun and the ride is a little different in that the patrons paddle the canoe. Those with tender rotator cuffs be warned: the trip can give your shoulders quite a workout, unless you slack off and let your fellow passengers handle the hard rowing. The entrance to Beaver Brothers Explorer Canoes is well hidden. It's tucked way back in an corner near the exit to Splash Mountain.

Is it English Friendly?

The cast members piloting the canoes are upbeat and engaging, but most of the time their spiel will be spoken in Japanese. Any crucial safety or rowing instructions will be given in English. We still think this is a fun and unique ride that is worth doing.

Special Comments

Beaver Brothers Explorer Canoes usually close when the sun goes down.

Special Needs

Other Attractions in Critter Country
