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We Know Disney Parks! is the official home of The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World and The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland. In print since 1985 and on the web since 2002, we've been obsessively researching the ins and outs of Disney Parks for years. Our mission is simple: to help you have a better vacation by saving you time and money on your trip!

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Research Team

Len Testa, President

Len is the co-author of The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World, The Unofficial Guide to Disneyland, and The Unofficial Guide to British Theme Parks. He also is a contributor to the Unofficial Guide to Las Vegas. Len is responsible for these things called "Touring Plans" that were the result of his graduate thesis, and he is the lead researcher for and book content. Most of his time is spent trying to keep up with the team. And when he's not doing that, he's one of the co-hosts of the Disney Dish podcast.

Derek Burgan, Researcher

Forged in the depths of Mordor along with the Uruk-hai, Derek Burgan joined the Touring Plans team in 2013 and remains the only living human who can quote TWISTER...Ride It Out! line for line. Not burdened by having the technical or creative skills possessed by other members of the team, Derek can be seen doing monthly photo reports of the Disney Character Warehouse, along with the weekly Saturday Six, for the Blog.

David Davies, Developer / Analyst

David keeps information up-to-date, organizes things, and writes code and content. A Southern California native currently living in Texas, David is a business-minded IT strategist and project manager who has worked around the country in a variety of sectors and capacities.

Fred Hazelton, Master Statistician

Fred is the statistician behind the Crowd Calendar and theme park wait time models. He also works his statistical magic for The Unofficial Guides to Las Vegas and Disneyland, and he created the models used in the mobile wait times app, Lines. Fred is a professional statistician living in Ontario, Canada, although his family firmly believes he lives at the airport.

Brad Huber, Developer

Brad is a New Orleans native with degrees in Computer Science and Human Computer Interaction. He is responsible for the new Lines 2.0 app (whether that's a good thing remains to be seen), and some coding on the main site as well. He is a life long nerd, and has achieved his childhood goal of being able to sit in front of a computer all day.

Guy Selga, Researcher and Co-Author

Guy has lived near Disneyland his entire life and was raised by a Disney-obsessed mother and grandmother. Guy is now channeling his obsession to be a researcher and writer for and Unofficial Guide to Disneyland. For the record, just because Guy is from Los Angeles doesn't mean that he knows how to surf, knows any famous people, has ever written a movie script, or has been a part of a gangster rap group. Follow Guy on X.

Laurel Stewart doesn't need a title

Laurel manages operations and does business development for Before making the move to the travel industry, she worked for a large Redmond, Washington-based software company. Laurel splits her time between Manhattan and Florida. Follow on X or Instagram for thoughts on everything except theme parks.

Blog Team runs a blog that provides a variety of news, stories, and other information related to Disney Parks. The blog is supported by a team of fabulous and passionate bloggers.
