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Showtimes for Thursday, January 16, 2014

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Showtime Show
9:20am Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
9:40am Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
10:10am Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
10:30am Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
11:00am Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
11:15am Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular!
11:20am Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
11:45am Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage
11:50am Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
12:10pm Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
12:15pm The American Idol Experience
12:30pm Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular!
12:30pm Mulch, Sweat, & Shears
12:40pm Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
1:00pm Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage
1:15pm The American Idol Experience
1:20pm Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
1:20pm Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show
1:30pm Mulch, Sweat, & Shears
1:30pm Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
1:45pm Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular!
1:50pm Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
2:15pm The American Idol Experience
2:20pm Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
2:20pm Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
2:30pm Mulch, Sweat, & Shears
3:00pm Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage
3:20pm Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
3:40pm Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
4:00pm The American Idol Experience
4:00pm Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular!
4:10pm Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show
4:10pm Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
4:10pm Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
4:15pm Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage
4:30pm Mulch, Sweat, & Shears
4:40pm Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
5:00pm The American Idol Experience
5:00pm Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
5:15pm Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular!
5:30pm Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
5:30pm Mulch, Sweat, & Shears
5:30pm Beauty and the Beast - Live on Stage
5:50pm Disney Junior - Live on Stage!
6:00pm The American Idol Experience
6:20pm Jedi Training: Trials of the Temple
7:00pm Fantasmic!

Note: Showtimes are updated regularly via, walt disney world entertainment, and our own sources -- but the schedules may change at any time.