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Showtimes for Thursday, January 20, 2022

Sort by: Land | Time | Show

The Bootstrappers

» Pirate-themed Musical Act
Shows at 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:05pm, 2:00pm, and 3:00pm

Disneyland Band at Main Street, U.S.A.

» Disneyland's Own Town Band
Shows at 10:00am, 10:50am, 12:50pm, 2:25pm, and 4:30pm

Disneyland Band at Tomorrowland

» Disneyland's Own Town Band
Shows at 11:50am, and 3:30pm

Flag Retreat Ceremony

» Flag ceremony honoring Veterans
One showing at 4:30pm

Mickey's Mix Magic

» Projections and Fireworks
One showing at 7:00pm

Pearly Band

» Live Band
Shows at 10:35am, 11:30am, 12:35pm, 1:50pm, 2:40pm, 3:35pm, and 4:35pm

The Straw Hatters

» Ragtime Band
Shows at 8:30am, 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:05pm, 1:00pm, and 2:00pm

Note: Showtimes are updated nightly via and our own sources -- but schedules may change at any time.